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  • Science, Sphero bolts and Spirals Dragons In the Dragons class this week, they have been drawing Mayan timelines and comparing them with timelines of things that were happening in Britain at the same time.  In science they looked at chemical reactions. They saw how when they mixed vinegar and baking soda in a bottle...

  • Chinese New Year & Cadbury World The Shire In the Shire this week we have looked at celebrating the Chinese New Year. They dressed in party clothes with a red and yellow theme. In Pixies, they had red and yellow rice to play with on the sensory play table. The role-play area was turned into a Chinese restaurant with menus, decor...

  • Rules, Capacity, Pop-art and Pandora In the Shire this week we have been learning about rules and why we have them. In Maths, Pixies have looked at mass and capacity, enjoying measuring objects and balancing scales and working out differences between full and empty. The Pixies have baked banana cakes and flapjacks...