School governors are people from the school’s community who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education.
Governors are volunteers who have an important part to play in raising school standards through their three key roles:
- Setting strategic direction;
- Ensuring accountability;
- Monitoring and evaluating school performance.
Governors can be contacted via the school office.
JANE TURNER - Chair of Governors (Local Authority Governor)
ROLES: Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Research and Whistleblowing Lead.
Finance, Pay and HT Appraisal Committees Member.
Appointed 21st November 2022 - Jane and her husband have lived in Chadlington for 28 years, and have two grown-up children. Her career includes the Senior Management and ownership of IT companies involved in developing and implementing General Practice computer systems. More latterly, she managed clinical research studies at the University of Oxford, and has several published papers. Her interests include art, re-wilding a field and walking Beau, the Cockapoo.
Contact: Mobile: 07913 753634
DR MONIKA LEE - Vice-Chair of Governors (Parent Governor)
ROLES: Curriculum & Assessment Lead.
Finance and HT Appraisal Committees Member.
Appointed 12th July 2021 - Dr Monika Lee is an educational publisher and career and executive coach. She currently works as the Director of Content at Proprep, an edtech start up dedicated to improving learning outcomes for science students in higher education. Previously, she worked for several academic publishers (SAGE, McGraw-Hill Education, Routledge and Oxford University Press), publishing widely across social sciences, including Education. She counts working with Pie Corbett and launching his bestselling Talk for Writing book series among her successes. Monika lives in Charlbury with her husband and daughter. In her spare time, she loves doing yoga, ballet and learning how to ice-dance.
Appointed 1st September 2006 - Bertie has been the headteacher of Chadlington CE Primary School for seventeen years. She has been teaching for thirty years and her educational expertise is drawn from a wide range of experiences across a diverse group of schools. She has taught all year groups across the primary phase. Bertie studied English Literature, History and Politics at degree level. She has a PGCE and also holds the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers. She is passionate about the curriculum and contributed to ‘Reclaiming The Curriculum’ by Bill Laura and Jackie Holderness. Bertie’s interests include painting, reading, filmmaking and exploring the countryside.
LYN WALLACE – Staff Governor
Appointed 10th November 2015 - Lyn has taught at Chadlington School since 2003 as a class teacher and as the school's SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) for more than 15 years. She worked for BBC Worldwide marketing before taking a career break when her two children were young and then completed a PGCE in primary teaching at Gloucestershire University. Lyn has deep teaching experience across KS1 and KS2 and is part of the senior leadership team at Chadlington Primary.
ROLES: Sustainability and Climate Action Lead.
HT Appraisal Committee Member.
Appointed 20th March 2020. - Siobhann moved to the village with her family in 2013. One child has been all the way through Chadlington Primary and is now in secondary school and her younger daughter is in Wizards. Through her consultancy Make It Good, Siobhann works with businesses to accelerate sustainable business transformation. Siobhann is passionate about the outdoors, loves hiking, wild swimming, and trail running. She is often seen running with her dog Roo.
GEORGIANA SLACK (Foundation Governor)
ROLES: RE, SEND & Pupil Premium Lead.
Appointed 24th August 2022 - Georgiana moved to Charlbury in 2018 after living in
Somerset for over 30 years. She has had lengthy experience as an Administrator and has supported her three children through their education. She is now keenly interested in her four grandchildren’s learning experience. She is a keen gardener. Georgiana joins us as Foundation Governor. She is also the safeguarding lead.
BREK TAYLOR (Parent Governor)
ROLES: Attendance and Literacy Lead.
Appointed 13th March 2024
CATHERINE PRICE (Co-Opted Governor)
ROLES: Numeracy and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Attainment Lead.
Appointed 1st October 2024
Catherine has been a teacher of mathematics for over a decade, teaching at Headington School in Oxford, Francis Holland Sloane Square, and Broomwood Hall Upper School in London. Catherine’s additional roles have included Head of Department, Head of Year, and Examinations Officer, and she holds degrees from Durham and Oxford University. Catherine grew up in the Cotswolds, before returning 5 years ago and now lives in Churchill. In her free time Catherine is often outside running, swimming and gardening.
ROLES: Chair of Finance and Pay Committees.
Appointed June 2019 - Jon was born and raised in West Oxfordshire, and has lived in or near Charlbury for ten years. His three children all attended Chadlington School. Jon currently works for a large financial institution as an in-house Chartered Accountant specialising in tax.
He has also previously worked in practice for a number of large accountancy firms and so brings his financial knowledge and acumen to his role as Chair of the Finance and Resource committee. When not crunching numbers, Jon enjoys mountain biking, hill walking, wild swimming, cooking, and drinking real ale.