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Thriving Together

Welcome to Chadlington CE Primary School!

Chadlington CE Primary School is a small rural school, serving the village of Chadlington and its surrounding area, with pupils travelling from Spelsbury, Dean, Chipping Norton, Enstone and Charlbury. There are currently 99 pupils on roll.  

'Let your light shine - imagine, believe, achieve'

Our school motto reflects the core values that lie at the heart of everything we do. We are passionate about learning, offering a dynamic and richly imaginative creative curriculum that encourages children to explore their potential and play to their strengths, as well as meeting and exceeding the expectations of the National Curriculum. 

A wide range of enrichment activities are offered throughout the year.  The school holds the Sports and P.E. Mark and is actively involved in competitions, tournaments and workshops within the Chipping Norton Partnership of Schools.  

We have achieved the Gold Arts Mark and have been approved to deliver Arts Awards. Through our inclusive music programme, we ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to learn an instrument and play in our brass orchestra. Children are also provided with numerous opportunities to perform on the stage, participating in plays, musicals and dance festivals.

The Little Acorn Film Company

On entering the school, all pupils are automatically enrolled into The Little Acorn Film Company. By providing a rich filmmaking curriculum, we encourage pupils to become collaborative learners, expressing their own ideas with confidence and developing empathy for others.