Fairtrade Fortnight 2020
As part of our commitment to Fairtrade Fortnight, our children have been enjoying a range of delicious produce from around the world at our Fairtrade Breakfast this morning.
Mrs Chettleborough began the day with a thought-provoking assembly, designed to engage our children with the Fairtrade iniative - which seeks to secure a better deal for farmers around the world and helps us all to understand where our food comes from.
The breakfast menu was amazing! Everyone contributed to the feast - a rainbow fruit salad from the Pixies', chocolate muffins made by the Elves', bread rolls from the Dragons' and delicious banana bread courtesy of the Wizards' Class. All the items were made using Fairtrade ingredients of course - and everything was eaten within minutes!
Please see some of the photos from our Fairtrade Breakfast attached.