New School Library - update!
Our school parliament, with direction and support from Ms Hornibrook and her staff, have been working extremely hard over the first two terms of the year to totally re-develop the school library.
The children have canvassed all the children in school about their book preferences, researched book prices and topics and submitted designs for the new library - to be situated in the school entrance.
Last week, our Minister for Equal Opportunities, Westly Hughes, worked with a group of children from the Wizards' Class checking our current library items to ensure that our books reflect diversity and gender equality. With support from Mrs Chettleborough, who is leading our school's global initiatives, the children have devised a list of books to better reflect the world we would like our children to see and understand. Parliament then presented their appeal for funding to the School Friends, who agreed to give £2000 towards re-stocking the library. Many thanks to everyone on the Friends for their amazing generosity!
On Wednesday, Ms Hornibrook and a group of twelve children from across the school took the list with them on a shopping trip to one of the Country's largest children's book sellers - Peters in Birmingham. With many thousands of fiction and non-fiction books on offer, the children were given the difficult task of choosing the best ones for our new library.
Four children from the Pixies and Elves helped to choose a wide selection of exciting new picture books; thank you to Henry, Cara, Charlie and Emily for their excellent choices!
Leander, Miami, Jenny, Poppy, Jaden, Max, Freddie and Edie selected some excellent new fiction titles for older children - over 60 new books in all! Well done to all of them; the books chosen were carefully selected to reflect the interests and preferences of everyone in school.
With Peters' offering a wide range of non-fiction titles, Ms Hornibrook was able to source some fantastic new books to enrich our topics this year.
We look forward to the arrival of the new books next week!