Rules, Capacity, Pop-art and Pandora
In the Shire this week we have been learning about rules and why we have them. In Maths, Pixies have looked at mass and capacity, enjoying measuring objects and balancing scales and working out differences between full and empty.
The Pixies have baked banana cakes and flapjacks.
Pixies and Elves enjoyed a visit from Tree Tech who kindly gave a tree to be planted in the playground, and they were willing helpers when planting the Mountain Ash. The men from Tree Tech told them about trees and how to look after them.
In DT, the Elves and Griffins have been looking at slides and levers and have been using them to make moving images inspired by The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch story.
The Dragons
In the Dragons Class we have been designing sweet machines in the style of Quentin Blake. Charlie and the chocolate factory has been inspiring our writing in English.
In Maths, we have been looking at factor pairs and multiplication.
We continue to look at the ancient civilisation of the Mayans and also Isaac Newton's particular interest in alchemy.
As we are studying the changing states of matter, we have explored the water cycle.
We continue to make good progress in our swimming lessons.
The Wizards
Last week, the Wizards thoroughly enjoyed the Pop-Art Workshop on Monday and produced some amazing pictures!
In Geography, they have been revising the order of the planets using a rhyme to help them. They have also been using Google Earth and an atlas to locate a range of tourist destinations worldwide, including the Victoria Falls and the Eiffel Tower.
As part of our History topic this term, the Wizards have been looking at various Greek Myths, including Pandora's Box: they used cartoons they have drawn to retell the story orally.
The children have been writing about the islands around Scotland using research they've found, including examples of both physical and human geography. They've also found out how to travel to the different islands and the type of wildlife you might find there.