The Weeks Ahead
We hope that you are well and eager to begin Week 2, as we all adjust to the challenges of the present time! A lot has been happening behind the scenes, to prepare us for the weeks ahead so read on for a brief glimpse of things to come...
Phase 1: In the week leading up to the Easter Holidays, we will be working hard to explore options for remote learning. Last week we were busy setting up the personalised learning resources that your children will now be able to access. Please go to the 'Learning at Home' page to find the information that you need for the week ahead. The teaching staff have been trying out different forums for remote learning and we plan to introduce Google 'Meet' after Easter and to provide links from our website to Google Classroom for pupils in KS2.
Phase 2: Take time, over Easter, to enjoy the small things. Our children have been working hard this term and deserve their well-earned break. School will continue to provide childcare for the children of key workers during the two week holiday, but only where absolutely necessary. We all know how important it is to avoid direct contact with others, wherever possible. We will not be online during the Easter break.
Phase 3: After the Easter holidays, we aim to roll out a much fuller programme of remote teaching. We will be learning as we go and will continue to keep you up to date with changes. Our 'Learning at Home' programme will resume on Monday, April 20th.
We hope to receive more information about food vouchers this week.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your kindness and support whilst we adapted to the current situation. Relax and enjoy the break and keep safe!