Remote Learning
Welcome to learning at home with Chadlington CE Primary School!
If a period of remote learning is required, you will be notified regarding expectations and provision by email.
In the event of whole school or class closure, most remote learning will take place via Google Classroom, which children have individual logins to access. Face to face online teaching will be led by a teacher, with extra support provided by teaching assistants. These sessions will include the introduction of new concepts, teaching of key objectives and links to assignments to be completed independently, with supporting educational videos and resources, where appropriate. Children will be asked to complete work off-screen, independently and return this at the end of a session for follow up. Sometimes completed work may be discussed in a follow-up group rather than being submitted.
Please use the tabs on the side of this page to access additional learning support materials, learning websites and resources. These are useful links to home-learning websites that we know the children will enjoy engaging with to break up their day.
We appreciate that every one of our families have very different circumstances at home, therefore we very much understand that the home-learning experience will vary for every child. If you do not have online access, the school may be able to provide IT equipment to help you and where this is not possible you will be able to collect a learning pack from the school office. Please be kind to yourselves and work in a way that is best for the needs of your individual child and family.