Getting Involved
Would you like to get involved in supporting the work of the school?
One of the most rewarding opportunities that our small school can offer, is the chance to become actively involved in an ambitious and close-knit community that pulls together to provide a wealth of rich and imaginative experiences for our children. We appreciate all offers of help and already benefit from the generosity of our community in a number of ways. Current opportunities include: membership of the Governing Body; supporting the work of FOCS; working with class teachers to accelerate learning; caring for the school building and grounds; sharing areas of expertise to further enrich our curriculum and helping with the exciting range of trips that we carry out throughout the year. Whether you want to offer regular support or just dip in occasionally, please don't be shy to discuss ways that you can help by contacting the school office.
We will arrange for the standard safeguarding procedures and appropriate induction training to be carried out before you begin to volunteer, in order to ensure the safe and smooth running of the school. Get in touch and make a difference!