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The Summer Term Begins

Welcome back! We hope you all enjoyed the Easter Break and that you are looking forward to the term ahead. There are a lot of exciting things in store, including the KS1 trip to Court Hill, a KS2 visit to the National Space Centre, a spectacular circus extravaganza and the launch of our very own radio station - Golden Acorn Radio. 

Coming Up

Over the next two or three weeks, we will be continuing with our topic, 'We are space mission designers'. The children will draw on their learning to present 'Out Of This World! - their first ever radio show, which you will be able to listen to live, either on the school playground or on 'catch up' through the school website.

Last Term

The children completed their work on sculpture and are currently in the process of perfecting their Virtual Gallery. 

Pixies created sculptures of polar bears, enchanted forests and Cinderella’s carriage, amongst other fantastical creations, using a range of different materials. They worked on a larger scale in the outdoor classroom, using crates, bamboo sticks and wooden planks, to build racing cars and other forms of transport to use in the Arctic; boats, snow mobiles and sledges. The children loved our work on storytelling and were inspired by their experiences at the Story Museum, in Oxford.  The Pixies performed traditional tales in their puppet theatre and created their own stories, using lots of story language and narrative features.

Elves explored ‘The Enchanted Forest’, with the children retelling traditional tales such as ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and ‘Hansel and Gretel’. Children wrote their own character descriptions of some well-known villains and described different story settings, including the forest and the gingerbread house. In Art, they created a collaborative 'Enchanted Forest' sculpture. The Elves enjoyed exploring the Whispering Forest and the Enchanted Library at the Story Museum. 

Dragons have been focussing on Changing Materials. They have investigated states of matter by asking questions about solids, liquids and gases, such as 'What happens to chocolate when it melts?' and 'How will the flame of a candle change, if you cover it?'  The children discovered how to make their own Oobleck (a mixture of corn starch and water), which can mimic the properties of both solids and liquids under certain conditions.

Draped Seated Woman, Henry Moore by Will M.'Draped Seated Woman' by Henry Moore, painted by Will M. (Year 6)

Wizards researched how sculptors prevent ice sculptures from melting. They then planned and carried out their own investigations to find out which material makes the most effective insulator. In Geography, pupils planned a tour 'In the footsteps of Michelangelo', looking at both the physical and human features of Italy as well as comparing the city of Florence to their own village. The children researched issues such as land use, tourism and trade. The children wrote their own stories based on an angel character they created themselves, developing characterisation and settings, as well as using speech to move the plot forward or create tension. In Art, the children completed wax relief drawings, made clay portraits and created a wonderful display of the Twelve Labours of Hercules.

This Term

We are continuing the topic that we began towards the end of the Spring Term, ‘We are Space Mission Designers.’

The Pixies and Elves are thinking about why people go into space and how they get there. They are exploring the planets in our solar system, including Earth, inspired by the books 'Dr Xargle’s Book of Earthlets' by Jean Willis and ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. The children have been thinking carefully about what they would need to take with them to the moon.They will shortly begin their own astronaut training, learning how to keep themselves fit and healthy.

The Dragons and Wizards are trying to answer our Big Question: "Could we live on another planet?" They have started by finding out about famous explorers and their journeys through history (Ferdinand Magellan, Robert Scott, Ernest Shackleton and Neil Armstrong) and thinking about the things they need to survive and the qualities these exceptional people share.  They are now moving on to find out more about the Earth, the Moon and the planets, asking 'Could we live on Mars?' KS2 will be visiting the National Space Centre in Leicester on 13th May (more to follow!).


Year 6 SATS will run as normal this year, taking place during the week beginning May 9th. Please ensure that children are well rested and able to attend school punctually. They have been working hard and are well-prepared for the tests, which take place during the normal school day and do not need to cause any additional anxiety. Local secondary schools usually organise the grouping of Year 7 pupils based on their own tests in the Autumn Term.

The Circus Is Coming!

Following KS2 SATs, Chadlington will be gearing up to produce its very own circus! 'We are costume designers' will provide children with the skills, knowledge and understanding that they need to create our biggest production ever. We will be bringing our own version of 'Cyrano de Bergerac' to the Big Top, in a once in a lifetime event! We are looking for creative parents/carers to help with our costume workshops, transforming children into lions, elephants, trapeze artists and ring masters! Please pop into the school office, if you're willing to give it a go. No prior experience is necessary!

Golden Acorn Radio

We are beginning to prepare for the launch of our very own radio station. Children in Wizards Class chose the name 'Golden Acorn Radio' last term and our high-tech radio broadcasting hub is due to arrive this week. More to follow!

Online Safety Event

Please remember our Online Safety Event that takes place between 6pm and 6:45pm tomorrow, in the school hall. The event is free to attend and all parents/carers are welcome. We highly recommend this session, which will help you to protect your children online as they grow in independence. The information is always recent and relevant, so it is worth a 'top up', even if you have been before.